
    .NET Developer

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    .NET Developer

    What is .NET Development?

    .NET development is the process of designing, developing, and maintaining software applications using Microsoft's .NET framework. The .NET framework is a collection of technologies that provide a platform for building Windows applications, Mobile applications, and web applications. .NET was introduced by Microsoft in 2002, and since then, it has become an essential tool for businesses and developers worldwide. Dot Net is a powerful development platform that enables web developers to create robust and scalable applications for businesses and consumers alike. Dot Net developers use various tools and technologies to streamline the development process, such as Visual Studio, Azure DevOps, GitHub, and Jenkins.

    The software development life cycle (SDLC) for .NET development typically involves the phases of planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. This cycle ensures that software is developed in a structured and efficient manner and allows for the creation of high-quality applications that meet business requirements. Throughout the SDLC, project management and quality assurance practices are employed to ensure successful project outcomes.

    A software engineer working in .NET development must have extensive experience in programming languages such as C#, VB.NET, or F#. They should be familiar with .NET frameworks like ASP.NET.NET Core, and MVC. Additionally, .NET programmers should be well-versed in other technologies used in .NET development, such as SQL Server and Azure.

    Communication skills are also crucial for software engineers working in .NET development. ASP.NET developers must be able to collaborate effectively with other developers, product owners, and stakeholders to ensure that software applications meet business requirements and are delivered on time and on budget.

    Subsets of .NET Development

    There are several subsets of .NET development that our expert developers at Keene Systems specialize in, including:

    ASP.NET Development: ASP stands for Active Server Pages. ASP.NET development is a subset of .NET development, specifically focused on building web applications using the ASP.NET framework. .NET development is a broader term that encompasses various development tasks using the .NET ecosystem, including web development with ASP.NET, desktop development with Windows Forms or WPF, and mobile development with Xamarin. ASP.NET was first introduced in 2002 as part of the .NET Framework. It has since evolved to include ASP.NET Core, a cross-platform and open-source version of the framework. ASP.NET follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture; it separates the web application into three components: the model (data and business logic), the view (also called the user interface), and the 

    controller (which handles the user input and manages the flow of data between the model and view). This architecture provides a clear separation of concerns and allows for more modular and maintainable code. 

    There are several famous web applications built using ASP.NET, including Microsoft's own website, Stack Overflow, and GoDaddy. Whether you are a startup or a 50-year-old company with 1000 employees, you need ASP.NET to build scalable, robust, and secure web applications that can handle the demands of modern business.

    ASP.NET CoreASP.NET Core is an open-source web development framework created by Microsoft. It is the latest version of ASP.NET and is designed to build modern, cloud-based, and high-performance web applications. ASP.NET Core is used to build cross-platform web applications that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It offers a lightweight and modular framework that can be used for developing web and desktop applications. Other advantages of using .NET Core for web and desktop development include improved performance, increased security, and better support for modern development practices, such as microservices and containerization. Dot Net Core development is an excellent choice for businesses.

    VB.NET Development: Visual Basic is a programming language based on the .NET framework that is used for building Windows desktop applications, web applications, and mobile applications. Although not as popular as C#, VB.NET is still widely used in older applications.

    C# Development: C# is another programming language based on the .NET framework that is used for creating a wide range of applications, from desktop software to web applications and mobile apps. C# is by far the most popular of all of the .NET languages.

    Front-end Development: This involves developing the client-side user interface of a web application using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Developers can use various front-end frameworks such as JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, and Vue.js.

    Back-end Development: This involves developing the server-side of a web application using .NET technologies such as ASP.NET, .NET Core, and C#. Developers can use various back-end frameworks such as Entity Framework and Dapper.

    Mobile App Development: This involves developing mobile apps for Android and iOS using .NET technologies such as Xamarin, .NET MAUI, and React Native.

    Full Stack Development: This involves developing both the front-end and back-end of a web application. Full-stack developers have knowledge of both front-end and back-end technologies and can work on all aspects of the application. Hiring a full-stack developer is a popular choice for small companies that want to hire only one jack-of-all-trades. Larger software consulting firms like Keene Systems will have separate front-end and back-end developers.

    DevOps: This involves automating the development, deployment, and management of applications using various tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Azure DevOps.

    Tools and Technologies Used in .NET Development

    .NET offers a wide range of technologies and tools for building modern applications. Here are some of the more popular technologies in the .NET stack we use at Keene Systems:

    • ASP.NET: A web application framework for building dynamic web pages and web applications using C# or Visual Basic.

    • ASP.NET Core: The latest version of ASP.NET, designed for building web applications that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

    • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF): A UI framework for building desktop applications for Windows.

    • Windows Forms: A UI framework for building Windows desktop applications.

    • .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI): The latest cross-platform UI framework for building mobile and desktop apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.

    • Windows Workflow (.NET Framework only): A workflow engine for building business process management (BPM) applications.

    • ADO.NET: A data access technology for building database-driven applications. A .NET programmer can use ADO.NET to connect to databases like SQL Server and Oracle.

    • Data Access: A set of technologies and tools for accessing and manipulating data from various sources, including databases, web services, and file systems. One popular .NET tool is Entity Framework, which makes the job of talking to a database easier.

    • Remoting and .ASMX Web Services (.NET Framework only): Technologies for building distributed applications that communicate over a network.

    • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): A framework for building distributed systems that can communicate over various transport protocols, including HTTP, TCP, and named pipes.

    • Web API (ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core): A framework for building RESTful web services using C# or Visual Basic.

    • .NET MVC: ASP.NET MVC is a strategy for building web applications using the Model-View-Controller software architectural pattern. It is a part of the .NET framework and provides a powerful, flexible, and extensible platform for developing web applications.

    • Azure: Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform can be used to host highly scalable enterprise-level web applications.

    • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Visual Studio is the primary IDE for .NET development, offering a range of features for coding, debugging, and testing .NET applications. Other IDEs include Visual Studio Code, JetBrains Rider, and MonoDevelop.

    • Version Control Systems: Git is the most widely used version control system for .NET development, although developers can also use other systems such as Subversion and Team Foundation Server from Microsoft.

    • Build Tools.NET developers use various build tools such as MSBuild, Cake, and TeamCity to automate the build process and manage dependencies. But still, the most popular tool to build applications is the Microsoft IDE Visual Studio.

    • Testing Frameworks.NET developers use testing frameworks such as NUnit, xUnit, and MSTest to implement unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests.

    • Containerization Tools: Docker is a popular containerization tool used in .NET development to create and deploy applications in a portable and scalable manner.

    Why Choose .NET?

    .NET is a popular and powerful platform for software development, and there are several reasons why developers and businesses may choose to use it:

    • Cross-platform functionality: With .NET Core, developers can write applications that run on the Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems, making it a versatile platform for building modern applications.

    • Performance and scalability: .NET is designed to be a high-performance platform that can handle large-scale applications with ease. It also includes several features that help developers optimize their code for maximum performance.

    • Security: .NET includes several security features that can help protect applications from common security threats, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and SQL injection attacks.

    • Large developer community: .NET has a large and active developer community of ASP programmers, which means that there are plenty of resources available for learning and troubleshooting common issues.

    • Integration with other Microsoft products: .NET easily integrates with other Microsoft products, such as Microsoft Office, SQL Server, and Azure, making it a natural choice for businesses that are already using Microsoft technology.

    • Support for multiple programming languages: .NET supports several programming languages, including C#, F#, and Visual Basic, giving developers the flexibility to choose a language that best suits their needs.

    What is the .NET Development Process?

    At Keene Systems, we follow a rigorous Agile .NET development process to ensure high-quality results and timely delivery. These are the steps in our process:

    • Project Planning: This involves defining the project scope, requirements, timelines, and resources required for the project.

    • Architecture and Design: This involves designing the overall architecture of the application and creating high-level and low-level design documents.

    • Coding: This involves writing code based on the design documents and following the coding standards and best practices.

    • Testing: This involves testing the application for functional and non-functional requirements, such as usability, performance, security, and reliability.

    • Deployment: This involves deploying the application to the target environment, such as a web server, cloud platform, or mobile device.

    • Maintenance: This involves maintaining the application by fixing bugs, enhancing features, and providing support to the end-users.

    Throughout the .NET development process, we at Keene Systems follow the Agile methodology. Agile development involves iterative and incremental development, frequent testing and feedback, and continuous delivery and deployment, which gives the client the maximum flexibility during the software development life cycle.

    Mobile Application Development with ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core

    Mobile application development has become an essential part of any business that looks to expand its reach and engagement with customers. .NET provides a comprehensive platform for developing mobile applications for various platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows. ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core are the two popular frameworks used for mobile application development with .NET.

    There are several benefits of using ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core for mobile development, including:

    • Cross-platform development: With ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core, .NET developers can create mobile applications that run on multiple platforms, including Windows, Android, and iOS devices.

    • Consistent UI: ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core offer a range of user interface (UI) options, allowing developers to create consistent and attractive UIs across all platforms.

    • High performance: ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core offer high performance and scalability, making them suitable for even the most demanding mobile applications.

    • Security: ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core offer robust security features, ensuring that mobile applications are secure and protected against the threat

    There are several successful mobile applications that have been developed using .NET, including:

    • JustGiving.com: JustGiving is a popular fundraising platform. The mobile application was built using Xamarin and ASP.NET Core, allowing it to run on multiple platforms.

    • Slack.com: Slack is a super popular team collaboration tool that allows users to communicate and share files. The mobile application was built using Xamarin and ASP.NET, allowing it to run on multiple platforms.

    • FreshDirect.com: FreshDirect is an grocery delivery service that allows people to order groceries from their mobile devices. The mobile application was built using Xamarin and ASP.NET, allowing it to run on multiple platforms.

    Benefits of Outsourcing .NET Development to an IT Consulting Firm

    There are many benefits to outsourcing .NET web development to an experienced IT consulting firm. They include:

    • Access to a pool of experienced .NET developers with diverse skills and expertise.

    • Flexibility to hire developers on a project-by-project basis, hourly basis, or for ongoing support and maintenance.

    • Cost-effectiveness, outsourcing to IT consulting firms can reduce your expenses and lower overhead costs.

    • Reduced time-to-market, as IT consulting firms have streamlined processes and can quickly assemble a team of developers for a project.

    • Access to the latest technologies and development tools as IT consulting firms invest in training and staying up to date with industry trends.

    • Lower risk. Software development outsourcing to IT consulting firms typically lowers risk because they offer quality assurance and testing services to ensure that applications are reliable, secure, and perform well.

    • Expertise in managing projects and collaborating with clients to ensure that applications meet their requirements and business objectives.

    • Software Team Scalability, as IT consulting firms can quickly adjust resources to meet changing project requirements or business needs.

    Looking for an expert .NET Developer?

    As .NET developers, we understand the importance of utilizing the right information technology to create efficient and effective software applications. At Keene Systems, we specialize in the Microsoft .NET framework and Microsoft ASP.NET, along with .NET Core, VB.NET, C#, and SQL Server, to name a few.

    Our team of .NET developers works closely with clients to understand their unique software requirements and deliver custom solutions. In addition, our business analysts possess strong communication and problem-solving skills, allowing them to work effectively in a team and communicate complex technical concepts to clients. We have the developer skills to bring your vision to life with a .NET application.

    With over 36 years of experience in software development and having worked with ASP.NET since it came out in 2002, Keene Systems developers are committed to staying up to date with the latest advancements in the .NET development ecosystem, and we continue to expand our skill set by obtaining new certifications and training as the market evolves. We take pride in delivering high-quality, reliable, and scalable solutions that meet our clients' needs.

    If you are looking for a .NET developer team with expertise in back-end and front-end development, look no further than Keene Systems. We have developed software for some of the most prestigious companies in the world. See our impressive client list here. Contact us today and learn more about our custom .NET development process and how we can help bring your project to life.

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