
    Your IT Department

    Looking for a company that can handle all of your IT needs?
    Contact us for a free consultation.

    Virtual Scalable IT Department

    In today’s economy growing a business can be tough. There’s always a gap between what you need and what you can afford. Many entrepreneurs and small business owners simply cannot afford to hire full-time IT personnel and must find unique and innovative ways to get the job done. With the advent of remote support and cloud computing small businesses can now save money by eliminating costs associated with investing in computer hardware and the associated staff needed to maintain it.

    • Do you have websites & servers that need to be maintained?
    • Do you have occasional software development projects but can’t justify a full-time IT staff?
    • Do you need guidance in your technical decisions by someone who is on your side; someone who is vested in seeing that you get the best deal vs. a salesman trying to sell you something you may not need?

    In situations like this, Keene Systems can serve as your Virtual IT Department. Keene Systems is the entire IT Department for several small companies. We have a scalable team that can scale up to meet your immediate demand for a tight deadline then scale back down for ongoing maintenance and support. We’re here only when you need us, with no minimums or monthly commitments.

    In these relationships, there is typically a flurry of activity at the beginning of the project. Once the immediate problem has been solved the client may go silent for weeks or months. When a new issue or new project arises we put the same personnel back on your project who are already familiar with you, your server environment, and your unique situation.

    Learn how we help businesses:

    Free eBook: Keene Systems Guide to High Performing Business Applications

    Services we offer

    Strategic Planning

    Offsite Hosting / Cloud Services

    Server Security

    Web Application Development

    Database Design & Management

    Desktop Application Development

    Website Construction & Maintenance

    Disaster Recovery Planning & Implementation

    Your IT Department

    Acting as your virtual IT department, Keene Systems can tend to your IT requirements while providing your business with the knowledge to take advantage of emerging technologies. This frees you up to spend more time working on your business.

    Give us a call today to see how Keene Systems can get your business critical IT work done now, without maintaining a staff. You can have your own team of experts today!

    Schedule a Virtual IT Department Exploration Call

    This free session is your fastest path to address your virtual IT Department needs. 

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