
    New Website Development

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    New Website Development

    Do You Have What it Takes to Develop a New Website?

    So you've decided to create your own website. Maybe you think you can't afford to hire a web development team and decided to go on your own with WordPress or one of the other economy web portal platforms. Here's a breakdown of what you need to consider if you're creating a website.

    Website Design

    If you want to create a compelling website, you must design it first. That means coming up with a set of requirements of what you want your website to accomplish. Is it just a marketing piece or does it need client engagement? Do you need interactive media? Do you need a store for your website? Do you want a blog? Do you want an off-the-shelf look and feel or do you need a custom design that matches the rest of your branding? These are important considerations for your site. Which is why you need to understand what you intend to do with the site. Nowadays, it isn't good enough to simply have a website. You must have a website that successfully conveys your marketing message and causes the reader to explore further. We can help you with this planning process and make you aware of your options along the way.

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    Graphic Design

    Although you may think adding a graphic design expert to your team might be overkill, good graphic design is compelling and will distinguish your website from your competition. Consider original graphic displays and logos. These will establish your credibility and will give you more presence on the Internet. There are thousands of options in graphic design. Our design process makes it easy to come up with a knock-your-socks-off design!

    Marketing Considerations

    When you design your website, you should be aware of who your customers are. Are you marketing to teens and people in their twenties? Maybe thirty-somethings or forty-somethings? Whatever the age group, you need to identify your demographic and clearly understand what appeals to them. Designing your website to appeal to your target demographic will produce more clicks, more sales, and ultimately, more money. Our background in marketing makes us a perfect fit as your development partner.

    What Platform Should You Use?

    Some ready-made platforms offer features, but if you're serious about producing a lot of content, you might consider a content management system such as DotNetNuke. DotNetNuke (also called DNN) is an open-source web content management system that enables you to manage and even change the look of a website easily. It allows you to add/change/delete content easily without any special programming knowledge.

    Custom Programming

    Content Management Systems (CMS) are great for “brochure-like” websites that simply tout the features and benefits of your business. But sites that require complex interaction with users to collect, maintain and distribute data from a database, will require custom programming. Very complex user experiences can be custom programmed with ASP.NET (and typically SQL Server as the database) or with PHP (and typically MySQL as the database).

    Hybrid CMS & Custom Programming

    Since DotNetNuke is built on top of ASP.net you can use DotNetNuke as a solid foundation for applications that need to 1) manage lots of content and 2) require custom programming. This approach gives you the best of both worlds. We have extensive development experience in ASP.Net/SQL Server, PHP/MySQL, and DotNetNuke. We can find a solution that meets your goals and budget.

    We're Here to Help

    Regardless of whether you design your own website or have someone design it for you, you will need to take into consideration all these factors. That way, your website becomes a viable marketing tool that drives customers to your business. Just remember, you don’t have to go it alone. We’re here to help. Give us a call today to discuss what’s possible for your new website.

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