
    .NET Core Development

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    .NET Core Development

    What is .NET Core?

    The .NET Core Framework is a free, open-source, and modular platform for building modern applications that replaces the wildly popular .NET Platform (also known as .NET Standard) that was introduced in 2002 by Microsoft. It is the latest version of the .NET platform and has many new features. It is a cross-platform implementation of the .NET framework that allows programmers to build applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux using a single codebase. The Dot Net Core framework is meticulously crafted to offer speed, scalability, and effectiveness, rendering it a superb selection for constructing a diverse array of applications encompassing web, cloud, desktop, and mobile domains.

    Why use .NET Core for Your Next Development Project?

    In today's fast-paced business environment, choosing the right technology platform for your web application can make a significant difference. In the realm of constructing resilient and scalable applications, the .NET Core development framework is progressively emerging as the favored option for businesses spanning various sizes. Here are some compelling reasons why:

    Open Source: .NET Core is open source, meaning ASP.NET core developers can access the source code and contribute to its development. This also means that Dot Net Core is free to use, which can save organizations significant amounts of money compared to proprietary platforms. Additionally, the open-source nature of .NET Core or ASP.NET Core means that a large community of developers is contributing to the platform and creating new tools and libraries for it.

    Cross-Platform Compatibility: .NET Core development platform is designed to run on multiple operating systems. The compiler can generate a runtime for Microsoft Windows, macOS on a Mac, and Linux. This implies that developers have the capability to create applications that can operate on numerous operating systems, eliminating the necessity to code separately for each individual platform. In today's fast-paced business environment, choosing the right technology platform for your web application can make all the difference. In the context of developing strong and scalable applications, the .NET Core development framework is steadily gaining traction as the favored selection for businesses across a spectrum of sizes. Here are some compelling reasons why:

    Open Source: .NET Core operates on an open-source basis, granting developers access to its source code and the opportunity to actively contribute to its advancement. This also means that .NET Core is free to use, which can save organizations significant amounts of money compared to proprietary platforms. Additionally, the open-source nature of .NET Core or ASP.NET Core means that a large community of developers is contributing to the platform and creating new tools and libraries for it.

    Cross-Platform Compatibility: The .NET Core development platform is designed to run on multiple operating systems. The compiler can generate a runtime for Microsoft Windows, macOS on a Mac, and Linux. Consequently, developers are able to create applications that are compatible with numerous operating systems, eliminating the necessity of crafting distinct code for each individual platform. 

    This has the potential to significantly minimize the time and resources needed for application development and upkeep.

    Flexible Deployment: .NET Core applications can be deployed to a variety of environments, including on-premise, in the cloud, or in containers. This gives organizations the flexibility to deploy applications where needed and scale them up or down as needed.

    High Performance: Dot Net Core has been designed with performance in mind. It is optimized for high performance and low memory usage, making it ideal for building large, complex applications. Additionally, Dotnet Core applications can take advantage of multi-core processors, which can further improve performance.

    Frontend/Backend Development: .NET Core has the advantage of being used for developing both the front end and the back end of a web application. This implies that developers have the capability to utilize the platform to construct an all-encompassing solution using a singular framework.

    Robust Security: .NET Core has robust security features that protect your web application from threats. It has built-in support for encryption and authentication, and it is continually updated to address new vulnerabilities. 

    Android & iOSIn addition to its prowess in web application development, .NET Core extends its capabilities to the mobile realm, offering seamless support for both Android and iOS platforms. With the advent of technologies like .NET MAUI, .NET Core empowers developers to craft cross-platform mobile applications that share a single codebase. This unified approach not only accelerates development but also ensures consistent user experiences across devices. By harnessing the power of .NET Core for mobile, developers can streamline their workflow, efficiently manage codebases, and create robust applications that cater to a wide range of users on Android and iOS devices alike.

    ReactJS and React Native: While .NET Core excels in web and backend development, it's important to note its synergy with modern front-end technologies as well. ReactJS and React Native, popular choices for building dynamic user interfaces and mobile applications, can be seamlessly integrated with .NET Core projects. This allows developers to create powerful, feature-rich applications that combine the versatility of React with the robustness of .NET Core's backend capabilities. By leveraging this combination, development teams can craft consistent and high-performance experiences across web and mobile platforms, while also benefiting from the extensive ecosystem and community support that both React and .NET Core offer.

    Due to its open-source character, cross-platform adaptability, versatile deployment possibilities, exceptional performance, and resilient security attributes, ASP.NET Core stands as the optimal foundation for creating contemporary web and mobile applications, as well as effectively managing their debugging and maintenance tasks. Join the growing list of businesses that are using ASP Dot Net Core for their next development projects and experience the difference.

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    Developing .NET Core Applications

    Developing .NET Core web apps can be a huge advantage for companies that are looking to build modern and scalable web applications. It provides a rich set of tools and libraries in the SDK (Software Development Kit) for building modern, scalable, and secure web applications. The most popular .NET programming language in the .NET Core world is the highly acclaimed C# language.

    Programming models: .NET Core provides two programming models for building web applications: MVC and Razor Pages for web development. MVC is a traditional model-view-controller framework that provides a separation of concerns between the application logic, the presentation layer, and the data layer. Razor Pages is a more modern programming model that is easy for a web programmer to use and provides a more streamlined development experience.

    Setting up a .NET Core project: To set up a .NET Core development project, you could create one by using the command line interface by using the .NET Core CLI tools that come with Microsoft’s IDE, Visual Studio, or simply create it using the regular UI of the IDE. After creating the project, you can configure it to meet your needs, including setting up routes, middleware, and services.

    Creating a .NET Core application: Once you have set up your ASP.NET Core development environment, you can start building your web application. This typically involves creating controllers and views and setting up data access using Entity Framework Core. You can also add additional functionality to your application using class libraries and tools from the .NET Core ecosystem. Finally, you will deploy it to a web server.

    Routing: Routing is an important part of any web application, and .NET Core provides a powerful and flexible routing system. You can define routes in your application that map to specific controllers and actions and use parameters to capture data from the URL.

    Middleware: Middleware is a component that is executed in the request pipeline of a .NET Core application. You can use middleware to add functionality to your application, such as authentication, authorization, and logging. You can also use middleware to modify the request and response objects and to handle errors and exceptions.

    .NET MAUI: A significant leap forward in application development, .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) extends the capabilities of .NET Core to create native cross-platform applications. It replaces Microsoft’s Xamarin technology. By embracing .NET MAUI, developers can streamline their workflow, crafting applications that run seamlessly on various platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows, all from a single codebase. This technology allows for consistent user experiences while minimizing code duplication and maximizing productivity. With .NET MAUI's intuitive UI components and integration with .NET Core's backend capabilities, developers can unlock new horizons in building versatile and performant applications that cater to a diverse user base across different devices and operating systems.

    Services: Services, microservices, and web services are components that provide additional functionality to an ASP.NET Core application. You can use services to add functionality, such as data access, caching, and email. Services are registered with the dependency injection framework in .NET Core, which makes them available to other components in your application.

    Data access: Data access is a critical component of any web application, and .NET Core provides several options for working with data. You can use Entity Framework Core, which is an ORM that provides a high-level API for working with data. You can also use ADO.NET or other data access technologies to work directly with databases. .NET Core has been highly optimized to work efficiently with SQL Server and can even talk to an Azure database.

    Authentication and authorization: Authentication and authorization are important components of any web application, and .NET Core provides several options for implementing these features. The built-in authentication and authorization features of .NET Core or third-party libraries and tools are available for general use.

    GitHub: GitHub serves as an invaluable platform for developing .NET Core applications, fostering collaborative coding environments. Through GitHub's version control and branching features, developers working on .NET Core projects can efficiently manage codebase changes, track progress, and seamlessly merge contributions. This facilitates smoother collaboration among team members, enabling them to collectively enhance the quality and functionality of their .NET Core applications while ensuring transparency and traceability throughout the development lifecycle.

    NuGet: NuGet plays a pivotal role in the development of .NET Core applications by simplifying package management. As a package manager for .NET, NuGet grants developers access to a vast repository of pre-built libraries, frameworks, and tools. This enables efficient integration of essential functionalities, expediting the development process and reducing redundant coding efforts. With NuGet, developers can easily incorporate third-party components into their .NET Core projects, enhancing productivity and ensuring that their applications are built on a solid foundation of well-maintained and widely-used packages.

    JavaScript: In the realm of front-end development, JavaScript emerges as a pivotal tool that harmonizes seamlessly with .NET Core applications. With the advent of ASP.NET Core, developers can leverage JavaScript to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces that complement the backend capabilities. By utilizing JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js in tandem with .NET Core, developers can build robust applications that deliver exceptional user experiences. This integration fosters a cohesive development environment where the power of .NET Core's backend logic converges with JavaScript's front-end prowess, resulting in feature-rich and responsive applications.

    Web API: Integrating seamlessly into the .NET Core ecosystem, Web API stands as a cornerstone for building robust and scalable APIs. With Web API, developers can expose endpoints that facilitate communication between the application's backend and external clients, whether they are web applications, mobile apps, or other services. Leveraging the power of HTTP protocols, Web API enables developers to craft RESTful services that adhere to industry best practices, promoting interoperability and ease of integration. This integration empowers developers to create versatile applications that can share data and functionality securely and efficiently, extending the reach and impact of their .NET Core projects.

    Revolutionize Your Web Applications with Top-Tier .NET Core Development Services

    Are you seeking a trusted web application development partner to propel your next-generation web application to success? Keene Systems is a 36-year-old web development company with a staff of 30+ Dot Net Core developers and has been working with ASP.NET since it came out in 2002. ASP.NET Core Development is our specialty. Our agile software development approach to Dot Net Core development ensures that we deliver exceptional, cutting-edge results that exceed your expectations. Here's how we differentiate ourselves from the competition:

    Expertise: Our highly skilled and experienced .NET Core developers work synergistically to develop robust and scalable web applications. We continuously stay ahead of the curve by keeping up-to-date with the latest industry developments, ensuring we continue to deliver effective solutions for you.

    Proven Track Record: Our reputation as a leading provider of customized web applications speaks for itself. We have an enviable client list of some of the most well-known companies in the world. Our team of software engineers has been developing and delivering reliable and scalable web applications for businesses of all sizes since the 1990s. Our expertise in working with ASP.NET Core and other web technologies, coupled with our knowledge of Windows infrastructure, ensures that our solutions are seamlessly integrated into your existing systems.

    Focus on Results: We understand that your ultimate goal is to achieve results. That's why our web development solutions are designed to provide you with actionable insights to help you make smarter decisions faster. Our .NET Core consultants work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and deliver the web application solution that meets your needs. We provide custom web development solutions that are built to grow and scale your business.

    Innovative Solutions: Our team has the skills and experience to develop unique software solutions that meet even the most complex requirements. We are continuously innovating to provide our clients with cutting-edge web applications that set them apart from the competition.

    Our Goal is Your Success

    At Keene Systems, ASP.NET Core development services include rapid application development, cross-platform compatibility, scalability, and security. With our expertise in related technologies such as Microsoft Azure, Docker, Angular, and React, we can ensure that your web application is optimized for performance and scalability.

    In addition to our core .NET Core development services, we also offer expertise in database design, development, and optimization. Our team can help you migrate your existing databases to SQL Server or upgrade your current SQL Server database to a newer version. We can also optimize your database performance to ensure it runs efficiently and delivers the desired results.

    We take pride in offering cost-effective software solutions tailored to meet our clients' unique business needs. We strive for excellence by delivering projects on time and within budget while providing high customer service including long-term support.

    Partnering with us means working with a team that's committed to your success. We're here to help you confidently build web applications that align with your business goals and deliver measurable results. Contact our team to learn more about our NET Core Development Services & how we can help you improve your efficiency and profitability.

    Keene Systems is the perfect choice among IT consulting firms specializing in ASP.NET CORE Development to help you define your software needs, create your software requirements, and create a practical, affordable solution. Keene Systems has 30+ .NET Core developers and has been building .NET Core applications since it first came out in 2002. During all that time, it has been, and continues to be, our core business. Our .NET Core Consultants can bring your vision to life. 

    Please don't hesitate to contact us today at 603-726-5058 or fill our contact form to explore the possibilities of utilizing the .NET Core development framework for the creation of your upcoming web application. Leverage our extensive experience and proficiency to benefit your organization. Feel free to initiate a conversation about your project requirements, or you can also complete our contact form for further communication.

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