
    Application Integration

    Looking to integrate several applications for better workflow and productivity?
    Contact us for a free consultation.


    Application integration is one of the core services offered at Keene Systems, which allows us to work with companies to get data in and out of their existing systems by properly integrating them with the new one we're in the process of building for them. Failure to do so can not only harm your employee's ability to be productive, but to communicate and collaborate with one another as well.


    When legacy applications in particular fail to properly integrate with one another, data silos can't help but develop. This refers to an unfortunate situation where critical information is essentially "trapped" in a single data source or repository, unable to freely flow across your organization.

    The immediate downside of this is that people who need that data to effectively do their jobs don't have it, harming their ability to do their jobs. But in a larger sense, if sales and marketing teams don't have access to the same basic customer information, it runs the risk of creating a convoluted and all-around unsatisfactory experience for those people you're trying to serve.

    Learn how we help businesses:

    Free eBook: Keene Systems Guide to High Performing Business Applications

    CASE STUDY: NStar Electric and Gas

    NSTAR (www.nStar.com) is an energy delivery company with revenues of $3.3 billion. Keene Systems collaborated with Clearview Software and NSTAR to provide a custom .NET solution that extended the life of a legacy application. We developed code to access a legacy inventory system written in VB6 and displayed that legacy data on hand-held devices in NSTAR’s maintenance trucks. The remote users could interact with the legacy VB6 application via a new mobile interface.


    At some point in the life of a software system it becomes so far behind the technology curve that it must be retired. When that happens Keene Systems can analyze all of your existing screens and architect a new system that will allow you to move forward with modern technology. We offer a full range of software development and architecture design services.

    If you would like to find out more, please give us a call to discuss how we can extend the life of your existing application or reengineer it.

    Schedule an Application Integration Exploration Call

    This free session is your fastest path to address your application integration needs.

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