
    Keene Systems Blog | spreadsheets-vs-web-apps

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    8 minute read

    Why .NET Core Web Applications are Better Than Spreadsheets for Managing Data

    Lance Keene

    Web applications offer a number of advantages over traditional spreadsheet-based data management systems. First, the obvious: web applications are much more scalable and can ...

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    6 minute read

    Why Every Growing Business Needs Database Development Services

    Lance Keene

    At its core, database development is the process of coming to a better understanding of how mission-critical data will actually be stored once it has been automated. It's about ...

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    5 minute read

    The Excel to Web App Conversion Process - How to Do It the Right Way

    Lance Keene

    Many small businesses who have been using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets as databases for their organizations, or who have been using them to manage information in general, have ...

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    8 minute read

    3 Solutions to Data Chaos: Spreadsheets vs. Off The Shelf Software vs. Customized Software

    Lance Keene

    Stop us when this starts to sound familiar: A potential new deal is introduced to your company and you're suddenly in charge of making it a success. But as is true in many of ...

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    10 minute read

    How to Create an Online Database to Power Your Business

    Lance Keene

    According to one recent study, employees spend an average of about 1.8 hours every day searching for and gathering the information they need to do their jobs. That's almost two ...

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    6 minute read

    5 Reasons a database is better than a spreadsheet for business

    Lance Keene

    A very good friend of mine, who just happens to own a small winery here in New Hampshire, stopped in to see me this week. It was a friendly visit, but as usual we got talking ...

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    5 minute read

    How a Powerful, Web-Based Database Application Can Streamline Your Business

    Lance Keene

    In a business environment, data takes many forms. Before the advent of computers, data was all captured in a world of paper. But in 1979, the world’s first spreadsheet, VisiCalc ...

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    5 minute read

    Why Smart Businesses Always Convert Their Spreadsheets to Database Applications

    Lance Keene

    According to one recent study, the amount of data in the world was estimated to have hit about 44 zettabytes by the beginning of 2020. By as soon as 2025, the volume of data ...

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    4 minute read

    How to Modernize Legacy Database Systems into Modern Web Apps

    Lance Keene

    One of the major issues that most organizations run into when they still rely on old database systems is that by and large you're talking about single user systems that were only ...

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    4 minute read

    Why Transform a Single-User Spreadsheet into a Multi-User Web App?

    Lance Keene

    There was a time during the 1990s when most businesses still handled their important processes the exact same way: through a single threaded spreadsheet that could essentially ...

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    4 minute read

    Spreadsheet to Web App

    Lance Keene

    In a lot of situations, businesses are still using spreadsheets as a database to capture key intelligence and other information - which is a decision that certainly brings with it ...

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    3 minute read

    Why Spreadsheets Aren’t the Answer for Managing Your Operations

    Lance Keene

    Your grandfather may have been the king of improvisation when working on a car or tasks around the house. Unable to find a screwdriver, he may have grabbed a knife you’re your ...

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    2 minute read

    Shortcuts Don't Save You Money in Business

    Lance Keene

    Many businesses are tempted to take shortcuts in order to save money. They believe that if they can pay less for certain products or services, they can boost their profits by ...

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    2 minute read

    Your Ability to Customize Spreadsheets is Limited

    Lance Keene

    Spreadsheets offer a low-cost option for organizing data. If you have a Microsoft Office package, you have access to Excel. Or, you may choose to use a free spreadsheet program ...

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    2 minute read

    How Spreadsheets Limit Strategic Growth

    Lance Keene

    According to one recent study, only about 80% of the businesses that open their doors today will survive to celebrate their one year anniversary. Of those that reach that ...

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    2 minute read

    The Inefficiencies of Spreadsheets - Is there a better solution?

    Lance Keene

    If you examine the day-to-day processes of many early-stage companies, you'll often find that they have one thing in common: a lot of them use spreadsheets to manage a wide range ...

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    3 minute read

    The Limitations of Using Spreadsheets for Compliance

    Lance Keene

    Businesses still use standard spreadsheet applications for a wide range of different reasons. Sometimes they're used for menial and administrative tasks like data entry, other ...

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    2 minute read

    Eliminate Human Error in Your Operations Management

    Lance Keene

    Most people think that the IT issue that is preventing them from working is the result of failed technology. They jump to all kinds of conclusions: “It must be a bug in the ...

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    3 minute read

    Why Are You Still Running the Company on Spreadsheets?

    Lance Keene

    Company productivity can skyrocket with the implementation of comprehensive software solutions. Nevertheless, some companies are still using outdated technology such as ...

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