
    Mobile enabled web apps can reduce costs and improve productivity

    2 min read

    It goes without saying that easier access to business applications improves the productivity and responsiveness of a company’s road warriors, but extending access to business applications can improve the productivity of nearly every individual in an organization regardless of the department or role.

    With the introduction of tablets and nearly ubiquitous smartphones, people can access business applications written in ASP.Net and SQL Server no matter where they are. Consider custom mobile applications for a few common business use cases and it will become immediately apparent that these applications will drive the next big wave in productivity improvement in both the front and back offices.

    Mobile application development services written in ASP.Net separate the application logic from the user interface, so they work reliably and consistently regardless of how they are accessed. This also makes them easier to maintain and modify. Users don’t have to install any code on their PC or device to use the applications, so they are ideal for use cases where multiple companies need to interact or when users may need access to applications without a PC.

    The potential productivity improvements and cost savings from using .NET web development are real, and nearly every business process can benefit from this accessibility and high performance.

    Companies may enjoy these benefits from developing mobile apps:

    • Increased productivity and manufacturing through elimination of downtime and clear priorities
    • Improved customer satisfaction through reduced order cycle times and improved service levels
    • Increased accuracy because of rapid inventory and shipment transaction processing
    • Improved decisions based on fast access to accurate information
    • Increased supply chain visibility and information velocity
    • Streamlined business processes with automated workflows delivered directly to mobile devices

    Schedule software project exploration discussionMobile apps for order processing and fulfillment

    Manufacturers and distributors can benefit from creation of order management and fulfillment applications accessible from the web. Sales people can enter sales orders while at a customer site, and they can check inventory, calculate available to promise and even configure custom products from any PC or device with a browser.

    Once the order is released for shipment, warehouse personnel can pick and pack the order right away from inexpensive mobile devices, without waiting to batch print pick lists. Customers have come to expect same day shipment on their orders, so every minute that you can squeeze out of the fulfillment process improves customer satisfaction and provides competitive advantage for your company.

    How mobile applications enhance materials management and inventory tracking

    Supply chain visibility and collaboration are key to competing in the global economy, and data velocity can make or break the supply chain. Allowing suppliers to access planned and released orders from custom software solutions can eliminate information latency and improve the supply chain’s ability to respond quickly and appropriately to demand fluctuations.

    Technologies such as EDI (electronic data interchange) move information directly between applications, but EDI can be complicated to set up and maintain because of the varying protocols for communication. Providing a custom web application that suppliers, customers and partners can access quickly and securely can support the rapid flow of information throughout the supply chain. Here again, workflow can help by notifying stakeholders when there is an action or notifications to which they need to respond.

    ASP.Net development is ideal for this type of application because the applications are securely accessible from any mainstream browser and it enables developers to create responsive screens that display correctly on any device regardless of the screen size and shape, so you don’t have to worry about equipment or technology at your suppliers.

    Increasing dispatch lists and resource management with a mobile application

    Rather than printing daily dispatch lists or forcing shop managers to return to their desks to check priorities, you can push prioritized lists directly to their mobile device. The manager has immediate access to the list so they always know what to work on next, eliminating downtime and ensuring that scarce resources are utilized on the most important work.

    Consider customized web applications written in ASP.Net and SQL Server for your next continuous productivity improvement project for a fast, inexpensive way to achieve big gains in efficiency, accuracy and customer satisfaction.
    To learn more about the benefits of mobile applications to improve operations, please download the eBook titled "How to Automate Business Process in 7 Smart Steps."
    how to automate a business process

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